
“Avito and M.Video-Eldorado test a joint smartphone buyback program smartphones

«Авито» и «М.Видео-Эльдорадо» протестируют совместную программу выкупа смартфонов

Classified Avito launched testing of the smartphone buyback program with retailer M.Video-Eldorado. Service works on already familiar for users of “Avito” path: with its help private users will be able to sell their old old old old smartphone without waiting and communicating with buyers.



To use the service, you need to fill in the device status form. Depending on the

Avito develops the program to buy back smartphones from private sellers from October 2022 year. Now the service is available to users already more than in 100 cities in Russia. With help redemption users can sell their smartphone to partner Avito, without making efforts to communicate with potential buyers and independently sell the goods.

“M.Video-Eldorado” joined to program redemption “Avito” from 15 January, now the users have the opportunity to sell their gadget in one of points retailer. After testing the service can be scaled to all stores of the net “M.Video-Eldorado.

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