
Average spending of Russians on the New Year hasbeenhistoricalmaximum

Средние траты россиян на Новый год побили исторический максимум

Average expenditures of Russian citizens on celebrating New Year have reached historical maximum and exceeded 64 thousand rubles, reports TASS, referring to the results of the survey All-Russian Center of Study Public Opinion (VTsIOM).



“In this year expectations and reality related with New Year spending, the Russians have matched: the overexpenditure of the budget was only 3%. In total complexity on New Year’s table, leisure and gifts our citizens in average spent record 64 439 rubles with planned costs of 62 655 rubles”, – says in the survey results.

In 2023 year the surveyed spent on celebrating New Year 38 493 rubles (planned 37 668 rubles), even year earlier  – 22 802 rubles (planned 15 830 rubles).

Contrary to the expectations of the same Russians, the main article of expenditures were gifts – on them in average spent about 29 868 rubles. Further follows the holiday leisure (Christmas trees for children, visiting theaters, restaurants) – 22 327 rubles. With a big gap is New Year’s table – 12 244 rubles.

Po traditionally the largest part of New Year’s costs has been on men: preparation for holiday men in average cost in 83 450 rubles, women – in 48 731 rubles. The biggest gap in  “male” and  “female” spending went on New Year’s gifts: 43 121 ruble in men as opposed to 18 958 ruble in women.

An all-Russian telephone survey “VTsIOM-Sputnik” was conducted 10 January 2025 year. 1 600 Russians over 18 years old took part in the poll 1 600 Russians over 18 years old.

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