
Autos became one of the most fastest growing categories in 2024 the 2024year

Автотовары стали одной из самых быстрорастущих категорий в 2024 году

Wildberries Wildberries analysts revealed that automotive goods have become one of the fastest growing categories in 2024 . The main reason for growth is the colossal increase in the assortment of automotive products. So, on the platform today it is possible to find not only consumables materials, but practically any part for auto and for large unit aggregates.

In among other factors influencing the dynamics of sales, we can call convenient tools and service of selection on Is, one of the lowest prices in the market, and also fast delivery. For the record, demand for motor products has also increased (more than twice), even even though the average cost has increased over the year by 15%.

According to data analysis of orders on the platform, Belarusian auto enthusiasts actively purchase paints, primers, electronics, accessories for exterior tuning, and also oil and special fluids, auto tires and discs.

The most demanded items among motorists are parts (including mirrors, levers and sprockets, gas and clutch cables, cameras for tires and tires themselves, and pads). Demand used tents (covers), bluetooth-motorcycle recorders and related motorcycle paraphernalia.

According to statistics of orders at Wildberries for the last year, the most money Belarusians spent on paints and primers for cars, but the biggest number of orders went to goods from the category “Auto Cosmetics and autochemicals.”

If to talk about changes preferences in the choice of automotive goods, the most bright dynamics with the side increase showed motor oils and technical fluids for automobiles: demand for them increased more than in 4times compared with 2023 year (+313%).

Other categories of auto goods placed in the ranking:

    • Paints and primers – +212%;
    • Exterior tuning – +192%;
    • Autocosmetics and auto chemicals – +176%;
    • Discs wheels and tires – +105%;
    • Autoelectronics – +101% year to year.

    Residents of the Capital and Minsk region traditionally “active” on Wildberries more than others, but in each of the regions of Belarus is traced its own trend to purchase those or other automotive goods.

    For example:

      • automobile drivers in Hrodna County more than other regions increased in 2024 orders of oil and auto-liquids, and also paints and primers in compared with the last year (+360% and +193% respectively);
      • the motorists of Brest Brest region overtook the others, making a stronger strength on autos and wheels discs and increasing the number of purchases more than twice compared with 2023 (+135%);
      • purchases of cosmetics and autochemicals, and also autoelectronics are stronger than others in the drivers of Minsk region, increasing the number of orders in these categories in 2024 in the year compared with 2023 by 170% and 86% respectively;
      • Minchants in the last year have successfully in total ordered the most number of units of goods for their iron horses (from all categories of automotive goods);
      • The Mogilev region more, than all Belarusian drivers demonstrated in the love for tuning. Goods for external tuning automobiles for last year in the region have managed to order 160% more, than for the 2023rd;
      • Gomel automobilists showed a pretty smooth (though and not as high) dynamics for orders of all categories of automotive products forlast year. Gomel region took 4 place among regions of Belarus, gaining 129%;
      • automobile enthusiasts Vitebsk oblast, perhaps could be called the most cautious in making unwise purchases.

      The Top 10 most demanded on Wildberries brands among Belarusian automobile owners (in orderofdecline)looksas follows:Belshina,Kama,SAILUN,Pirelli,Cordiant,Viatti,WINDFORCE,Doublestar,MAXXIS,Petlas.

      AndAlso, According tothe results oftheJuly2024.the company’ssurveyofconsumers,70%oftheyprefertopurchaseautoandmotorgoodsonline,andWildberriesisthemostchoiceofmarketplacestoshop.


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