
Asking 3000 Euros per sq. meters, and sell for 2000. For three years in Vetsriga sold 24 objects real estate

Просят 3000 евро за кв. метр, а продают за 2000. За три года в Вецриге проданы 24 объекта недвижимости

Interest to buy apartments, offices or buildings in Old Riga is still reserved, and over the last three years in this part of the city has sold 24 property for a total amount of almost 30 million euros, reported agency LETA representatives of real estate company Latvia Sotheby’s International Realty, referring to a research conducted in the premium segment in Old Riga.Latvia Sotheby’s International Realty notes that in the last years in the offerings are more often appearing objects with large area, which is explained by changes in the public sector’s use of facilities. Offices are increasingly moving outside Old Riga. In this part of the city
finally and Riga Technical University, completely moved to Kipsala. Now in Stara Riga are supposed on sale 22 objects real estate, And A large part of – 16
offers – are in the management of company Latvia Sotheby’s International Realty. According to data about deals, the value of one square metre in Old Riga was very diverse, as and the state of realized objects – in
the hands of new owners have fell as already restored houses, as and objects in very poor technical condition . Many owners of buildings are still holding high prices, based exclusively on the special status of Old Riga. For buildings offered for sale, the requested price is approximately 3000 euros per square metre. But, as the
company “Latvia Sotheby’s International Realty”, in the case of buildings, that have recently been sold, the average price was about 2000 euros per square
metre or evenless. The owner of Latvia Sotheby’s International Realty Ilze Mazurenko states, that the appraisal of real estate by the owners in Old Riga is strongly variable, as and their
technical condition.Mazurenko Mazurenko explains that for successful sale of real estate in Old Riga is not enough only its location – it is necessary to consider also the specific requirements, which must be observed in
its restoration or renovation. In Mazurenko’s opinion, the owners should evaluate their opportunities to develop and really invest in real estate, and the self-government needs to implement thoughtful and specific measures to balance
the diverse neighborhoods of Old Riga. Mazurenko said that the Riga municipality has sufficient instruments to create favorable conditions for development. For example, Owners would be able to offer differentiated tax policies related to the improvement of the facades of buildings. In addition, Mazurenko thinks that the city should review
the order of the use of parking spaces, as in the current situation Old Riga is used as free parking for electric vehicles all day. This deprives clients or visitors of offices of the opportunity to short-term entry and stop, not to mention the residents of Old Riga. Data collected by the company about the deals with apartments in Old Riga over the last three years shows, that has been registered almost

60dealswithapartmentsforanamountofover150000Euros.At the same timein2023yearthere wassignificantincreaseinactivity-numberofdealsincreasedby11%comparedwiththecountry.the previousyear.In2024yearthere were21deals.The totalvalueofdealswithapartmentsforthreeyearswasmorethan12millioneuros.

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