
ASF dzik in new locations. More than 20 municipalities covered thepink zone.

ASF dzików w nowych lokalizacjach. Ponad 20 gmin objętych strefą różową

Changes in zone range result from the appearance of non-focal ASF wildlife in the area of Mazovian, Pomeranian and Western Pomeranian provinces. Subtle changes in the range of the pink zone also affected the province of Lubuskie, Swiętokrzyskie and Wielkopolskie, while three municipalities in Opoczno county in Lodz province have been included in the blue zone.

Where was the pink zone introduced?

In considering the latest Regulation of the European Commission, the restricted II area (zone pink is covered the following territories:

Pomorskie Province:

  • Cartus County (part municipalities Przodkowo and Zukowo not included previously in the zone)
  • Danish County (city Pruszcz Gdansk, municipalities Cedry Wielkie, Pszczolki, Pruszcz Gdański and Suchy Dąb
  • Province Malbork (municipality Lichnowy, part of municipality Nowy Staw not included previously in the zone)
  • Province nowodworski (municipality Ostaszewo, part of the municipality Nowy Dwór Gdański not included prior in the zone)
  • Province of Tczewski (municipality Miloradz, part of Municipality Tczew located to the east of the auto A1 highway)

Western Pomeranian Province:

  • Drawn County (part Municipality Calisz Pomorski located west of the line delineated by road nr 175)
  • Myslibork County (municipality Debno)
  • Stargard (municipality Ińsko)

Voivodeship Lubuskie:

  • Gorzow Region (municipality Lubiszyn)

Voivodeship of Greater Poland:

  • Carnkowsko – trzcianecki (municipality Wieleń)

Voivodeship Mazovian:

  • Przysucha Przysuski County (municipalities Borkowice, Gielniów, Przysucha and Wieniawa)

Voivodeship Swiętokrzyskie:

  • Province Konecki (municipality Gowarczów)

Other municipalities in blue zone:

In concerning the expansion of the blue zone, in part of the listed locations the range of the blue zone has also been expanded. The changes are applicable to the Pomeranian, Western Pomeranian and Lodz provinces. The Blue Zone was introduced in the following areas:

Voivodeship Pomorskie:

  • County Kartuski (municipality Somonino)
  • County Gdansk (municipalities Przywidz and Trąbki Wielkie)
  • County Tczew (part municipality Tczew located to the west of highway A1)

Western Pomeranian Voivodeship:

  • Drawski County (part Drawsko Pomorskiemunicipalitynotincorporatedinthezone)
  • County.Łobeski(municipalityWęgorzyno)

Lodz Province:

  • PovementOpoczno(municipalitiesBiałaczów,DrzewicaandOpoczno)


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