ALDI total will spend on raises almost 23 millions of gold. The network has raised in indicated areas wages by 7.6
percent on average.
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How wages at Aldi?
New rates will both sales employees, and distribution centers. Sellers in network stores ALDI from the new year will earn 5360-6110 £ gross. On the other hand store managers in dependence on staff will earn from 7510 £ to 9010 £ gross. What more, the ALDI network in addition to January raises, offers status raises.
– In ALDI we value our employees, because it is they who build the success of the company. We realize how important it is to create a working environment, which fosters development and stability professionally. This is why we do not only regularly increase wages, but we also invest in additional benefits and tools to support daily work – says Anna Goleniowska, Director of People & Culture ALDI Poland.
– This year we have allocated almost 23 million gold for raises, which underscores our commitment to build competitiveness in the labor market – adds Goleniowska.
In distribution centers ALDI also will see increases. Beginning managers will earn 5360 £ gross, and after two years even 5960 £ gross. Employees complete in warehouses additionally can account for
premiums in amounting to up to 2500 zł brutto.
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Atractive benefits andStable employment
Employees ALDI can count not only attractive rates in the industry, but also on a wide fan benefits. These include among others access to private medical care for employees and their families, platform for learning foreign languages, extensive fan training, free psychological support , insurance for life on preferential conditions and free sport packages in cooperation with Medicover Sport.
It is worth adding, that the composition of employees’ remuneration includes among other things. card prepaid for employees with value of 310 zl to use for purchases in stores ALDI.
The company
additionally supports employees with anniversary awards or employee referral program.
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workers of Lidl’s warehouses. How much in stores and for managers from 2025 year?
It is worth adding, that in 2024 year the ALDI network has allocated a total of 3,5 million gold for holiday allowances for employees -. in the form of additional charges to prepaid cards for purchases at ALDI of the value 350 zl and for frequency in the form abatement premia of the value 650 zl (also in the form of additional charges to prepaid cards).
ALDI also cares about stability of employment – all new employees are employed without trial period, a after a year of work they receive contracts for an indefinite period of time.
Recruitment to ALDI in took
The network, which now employs over 4800 people, plans further development and intensively recruits for various positions. Current job offers are available on the website work.aldi.pl, where candidates can acquaint with details of employmentconditionsandavailablebenefits.
In linewiththedevelopmentofthenetworkin2025yearit isplannedtoemploysomehundrednewemployeesinthesalesandwarehouse areas.