
As a result of cuts in expenses students have lost scholarships for achievement inlearningstudies

В результате сокращения расходов студенты лишились стипендий за успехи в учебе

Students are stunned: From 2025 onwards , all higher educational institutions will no longer have a scholarship for academic success. This step, as part of a plan to reduce government spending, will especially hit those who cannot afford to study without financial assistance. Chairman of the Student Council

of the University of Tallinn Kärt Kasik-Aaslav recognized, that the decision to cancel scholarships for achievement in studies was unexpected for them. The chairman of the Student Council of the

University of Tallinn Kärt Kasik-Aaslav recognized that the decision to cancel scholarships for achievement in study was unexpected for them. Photo: Tairo Lutter

Students stunned: From 2025 year onwards in all higher educational institutions the stipend for achievement in studies will be abolished. This step, as part of a plan to reduce government spending, will especially hit those who  cannot afford to go to study

without financial assistance.

According to the Postimees information, in early January the students received emails, in which it was reported, that because of government reductions in higher education from 2025 year at all universities will cancel the stipend for achievement in studies, and beginning from the spring semester to apply for this scholarship no longer can be applied.

“We are so very difficult right now financially, so even a small stipend for academic success is an important source of income,” the student said.Tartu’s Higher School of Health, who wishes to remain anonymous. He said that to receive this stipend, they had totry very hard.

Hissayingthattoreceivethisstipend,theyhad totry.

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