
As 40 proc. company reduces in this way its costs.

Aż 40 proc. firma obniża w ten sposób swoje koszty

44 procent of Polish enterprises plan in 2025 year to focus on personal management as the main strategy for reducing operating costs. What other ways are companies using?

The latest Barometer Retail company of advisory-technology Future Mind reveals, that about one fifth of firms intend to implement automation to a significant degree, to improve work and improve the experience of workers, while nearly half plan to apply these solutions to a moderate degree.

Supporting in achieving these goals are among others. applications of the B2E type (Business to Employee), which provide the necessary to implement and in effect of optimizing expenditures.

Priorities of retail

Survey Barometer Retail indicates, that management personalities, including optimized planning work, requalification of workers and reduction of overtime, is the most frequently chosen strategy for reducing operational expenses by almost half of respondents.  Negotiations with suppliers are on the second place. 35 proc. firms plan to reduce costs by renegotiating contracts, wholesaling purchases or changing suppliers. Automation processes are ranked third place with 32 proc. share, including such activities as automated checkout, stock management or robotization activities.  From the course to optimization of inventory, including predicting demand

based on art intelligence and reducing overstock and waste, is planned by over one three companies.

Sector warehouse and logistics: increasing costs, unemployment and pressure on automation



Sector warehouse-logistics: increasing costs, unemployment and pressure on automation

– Our study shows, that Polish retailers concentrating on managing personal and automation, are driven by pragmatism. Automation is prior to creating a coherent ecosystem, where different systems communicate with themselves, eliminating silos of information and reducing the need for manual transfer data. Thanks to that companies are more agile,a employees can concentrate on more value tasks. This is an indispensable base, to go further and implement in more measure solutions based on AI – comments Emil Waszkowski, Head of Strategy in Future Mind.

Major challenges in trade

In considering increasing competition and dynamic changes in consumers’ preferences, companies must implement effective strategies, to maintain their position in the market. Therefore the activities taken to reduce costs and increase operational efficiency are key to survival and development in the current business environment.

– In response to the needs of the market in our network we have implemented strategy, of which the main axis is technology. Today the franchisee Lewiatan has the possibility of automating many processes of settlement, including automation of transmitting data to sales systems stores, description cards and information about recommendations assortments. These activities influence an increase in rotation of products, and the same release of money flows. Thanks to digitization we can also continuously expand the range of wide promotional activities, introducing other models of conditional promotions, a from the application level My Lewiatan offer personalized offers to customers in local stores – emphasizes Marcin Poniatowski, Director of marketing and Member of the Management PSH Lewiatan.

What more, modern customers expect not only products of highest quality and professional

service, but also individually adapted offers and quick execution of orders. Lack of appropriate tools hinders fulfillment

of these requirements. Innovative technologies support companies in meeting these challenges, and at the same time increase the standard

of service and satisfaction of users.

67 proc. companies haven't started  yet automation of tax functions

Read more

67 proc. companies have not started yet automating tax functions

Automation and staff

Effective functioning of organizations requires taking many aspects – from management of human resources, through logistics,All the way to quality control and customer service.

In each of these areas applications B2E play a key role, providing tools enabling employees to perform their duties faster and more efficiently.

Companies investing in improving performance through this solution are able to create better experiences for customers, which translates into increased loyalty and higher profits.

– Applications Business to Employee (B2E) are advanced digital tools developed for employees, which support their daily duties. For retailers they constitute a real mine of margin. Using applications to optimize shopping processes, supported by artificial intelligence, such as Assistant Zabka – one of the digital products Future Mind created in complete business with the Network Zabka -. enables not only lower costs of work, but also increase satisfaction of employees. This is confirmed by 98 proc stores, which daily use the app, which testifies of its high effectiveness – says Tomasz Wozniak, CEO at Future Mind.

According to respondents participating in Barometer Retail Future Mind, 21 proc. enterprises plan in a significant degree to implement automation in to improve work and the experience of workers. From the  44 proc. intends to apply these solutions at a moderate degree. 23.5 proc. planstheirminimumuse,andonly6proc.doespredictimplementation.Theresultsclearlyshowthatthesesolutionsplayasignificantroleinthestrategyofmanycompanies,howeverthemanagementpersonnelstillremainsapriorityformostof them.Companiesaretakingasustainableapproach,combiningoptimizationoperationalwithconcernfordevelopmentandsatisfactionofemployees.


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