As noted Minister of agricultural policy and food of Ukraine Vitaly Smith, who conducted the narration, surface seeding in comparison with last year in reality has not changed.
Fewer soy, more currency
In this year there are no major changes in laws. The area of seeded soybeans has significantly decreased, and corn has increased. Seedings of sunflower and wheat remain at the level of last year – he said.
In particular the area of seeded cereals in this year should be nearly 5.826 million ha, of which the major part was allocated to crop (approx. 4.146 million ha) and barley rice (790.2 tys. ha). also planned to seed wheat yield on 222.7 tys. ha, grape – 216.5 tys. ha, oats – 161.6 tys. ha, wheat – 86.8 tys. ha, pros – 85.5 tys. ha.
Cereals overwinter in 2024 year, seeded on nearly 5.242 million ha.
Area seeded leaf plants
If it comes to leaf plants take one 8.892 million ha, that is under their seedings will be allocated 38.7 percent. of the total sowing area. In particular sunflower is to be sown on 5.171 million ha, soybeans – on
almost 2.423 million ha, thistle jary and ozima – on 1.167 million ha.
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