Joining the management of Apsys Poland is Katarzyna Kopszak-Dziurnikowska, the previous director of investment in the organization. She started in her new
position on January 1 2025 year.
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New member of the board at Apsys Poland
Katarzyna Kopszak-.Dziurnikowska is an expert with over 20 years of experience in the real estate industry and widespread professional competencies. With Apsys Poland he is affiliated from 2021 year as director of investments. Fulfilling this function she was responsible for both sourcing lands for new projects and selecting locations for revitalization projects, as and for formal-administrative processes related to receipt of construction decisions.
– The appointment of Catherine to the post of member of the government is for us a natural choice. For the last years in the development department we worked on the preparation of ambitious undertakings, requiring commitment and high expertise, among others.Among others, on the avoidable project of revitalization of the main Market Hall in Gdansk or the investment Nowa Stawowa in Wrocław, which are already entering the phase of implementation. Katherine’s knowledge, her knowledge of the market, strategic thinking business and consequence have enabled us with success to expand the scale of our activity in the market. There are further challenges related to residential projects, mixed-use and food hall – says Maciej Wróblewski, Head of Development Department, vice president, responsible for development and investment.
The appointment Katarzyna Kopszak-Dziurnikowska is the first stage process of change related to succession in the management of Apsys Poland. Expert will gradually take over the duties of vice president Macie Wróblewski, to ultimately replace him in the position.
Before joining Apsys Poland, Katarzyna Kopszak-Dziurnikowska was managing projects investment not only in the Polish market, but also in Switzerland, France, Germany, Portugal and Romania. His specialty is operations related to investment funds of the private equity type, and also enterprises joint venture with participation.Large funds institutional. Katarzyna Kopszak-Dziurnikowska’s professional experience includes also managing portfolio real estate in segments: warehouse, office, commercial, residential, and also working with financial institutions and tenants. Expert is also distinguished by complete knowledge of the investment processes (from purchase to sale) and knowledge of the construction and development industry.
Katarzyna Kopszak-Dziurnikowska is a graduate of Department of Linguistics Applied University of Warsaw and postgraduate studies MBA in SGH Warsaw and HEC de Paris, in the direction of management.
– I am grateful for the trust that has been placed in me by the owner of the company Maurice Bansay, President of Apsys Poland Benoit Charles and members of the board. I especially thank Vice President Maciej Wróblewski for support and for valuable professional guidance. I am glad that I can work with real passionate market real estate, draw from their knowledge and experience, and at the same time bring my experience and new ideas. The last three years have confirmed my confidence, that the biggest power Apsys is committed, experienced and bold team, thanks to which we can pour into life ambitious projects – adds Katarzyna Kopszak-Dziurnikowska.
Apsys is one of the leading operators of the real estate commercial in Poland and in France. The company implements activities in the real estate commercial, mixed-use projects and investments residential. The company was established in 1996 year and acts as investor, developer, agent ds. leases, manager project and manager of real estate. The largestinvestmentorganizationinPolandincludePosnaniainPoznanandManufakturainLodz.APSYSPolandmanagestodayover700000sq.m.GLAin16commercialfacilitieslocatedin12thelargestcities.Apsysisalsoconductingresidentialinvestments-SoleaApartmentsatRacesinWarsawMokotówandOgrodyStaromiejskieandWrocławLoftyincenterofWrocław,aonly FoodhallinPoznan.