Management Answear.com signed 27 January 2025 year. annex to the factoring agreement agreed with Santander Factoring on the basis of which the limit available to the company from the amount of 10 mln to the amount of 15 mln zł by combining the previous limits allocated Answear.com and BrandBQ.
Under the agreement the company may use financing services for supplies in confirmation and reverse factoring .
- Securities under the annexed factoring agreement are:
The Agreement to debt entered between Santander Factoring and BrandBQ - Certificate of submission to execution in form of notarial deed
- Invocable power to bank accounts
of the company held at Santander Bank SA.
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Answear.com: We are heavily investing in repositioning to segment premium
Answear.com, e-commerce offering fashion, products home&lifestyle and outdoor in region CEE in IV quarter. recorded online sales at level of 546.3 million £, which means an increase of 23.6 percent year. From current online sales for 12 months 2024 year,was1520.4millionzłandincreasedby19.8perc.year