In connection with the launch of 28 January 2025 year. by the Agency of Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture for applications for assistance to insurance of farm animals the Management of the National Council of Isb Agriculture to the Minister of Agriculture and Development of Village 31 January 2025 year. to extend the deadline for acquisition of these applications and cause the insurance companies to start the service as soon as possible, which will enable the conclusion of insurance policies.
As we read in communication KRIR, farmers are today very interested in insuring animals, which results from the epizootic situation.
It is impossible to hide, that the prim is leading obviously to ASF, but there is also about flu birds, poultry, blue tongue disease and pimple.
Un want to believe, but – as informs the farmer – insurance companies do not have insurance against these diseases in their offer and do want to insure animals.
– farmers have received from insurance companies information, that they have not signed their contracts with the Ministry of Agriculture and Redevelopment and have not prepared information systems – reports KRIR.
That is why the authority of agriculture has applied to cause the policy to insure animals by insurance companies, which benefit from subsidies from the state budget to insurance.
He also requested an extension of the deadline for requesting applications, which is scheduled to 28 February 2025 , because for factors independent of farmers will not have contracts of insurance against the risk of emergence of animal diseases.
Subsidies to premiums insurance for human animals
Remember, it comes to this election: by 28 February farmers, who breed pigs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses or poultry and insured their owned animals from the risk of at least one of many communicable diseases, may apply for reimbursement of 70 percent. paid premiums.
“Subsidies to contribution to insurance of farm animals” this is a continuation of farmers known from the Program Development of Rural Areas for the years 2014-2020 of activity “Management of risk.” The implemented under PS PR 2023-2027 intervention has however been extended to new species of animals and types of diseases, for which may receive support.
Farmers, who want to apply for such support, should:
- have real estate, on the territory of which theyconducted is agricultural activity ;
- contract agree to insure against the risk of pigs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses or poultry of at least one of the following diseases: flu, classical disease of pigs, African disease of pigs, highly virulent influenza of birds, African disease of horses, breeding, disease of small ruminants, vesicular disease of pigs, disease of blue tongue, spy of ovine or spy goats, fever doll Rift, tumor disease skin bovine, alveolar inflammation of the cavity of the mouth, Venezuelan viral inflammation of the brain and spinal horses, hemorrhagic disease of hogs of cattle, cross pneumonia of cattle, tuberculosis of cattle, brucellosis of cattle (abortus), brucellosis of cattle and goats (B. melitensis), anthrax, rabies, seminoma, transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, campylobacteriosis, listeriosis, salmonellosis animal disease, trichomoniasis, strain E. coli producing werotoxin, infectious inflammation of nose and tracheitis of cattle (bran cattle), viral diarrhea of cattle, disease mycobacteriosis of cattle, infection of cattle, enzootic leukemia of cattle, fever Q, paratuberculosis;
- have a policy covering insurance of at least: 1,000 pigs of: chickens, goats, ducks, perches, indicates or poultry meat; 14 pigs or 4 pigs of cattle, ovines, goats or horses.
Aid is granted in form of refund
70 proc. paid premium, subject to the condition, that the contract of insurance is existent, that payment of indemnity will occur in
the event of a pc. loss in production of animals caused by at least of one of the above diseases. It isalsoimportantthattheperiodcoveredcannotbeginbeforeJanuary12024,aapplicantforfundinghasnotbeen grantedotheradditionstoinsurance.