Another Green Farm in Pipash functions from old in Kąty, in biala county of Lubelszczyzna. This is where chickens are raised in the highest standards of well-being, beginning with optimal nutrition, quality air, temperature, littering, climatic conditions, increased surface for animals, but and without using antibiotics in the whole production cycle.
During the symbolic opening of the facility at the gathered with the president of the company Jozef Wiśniewski and employees Wipash, representatives
of local government
but and residents.
Dedication religious symbols before ferma in Nooks. phot. ID
Wipash, is today the largest employer in county. biala, and an unwritten tradition of the company has become the building and sacrificing of Catholic symbols, before each building object.
Why does this happen? This was explained at the treatment of Jozef Wiśniewski President of Wipash, stressing the necessity of attending to the food security of the country and enhancing national agricultural production.
– Whatever we build new, it always puts a symbolic symbolic capital. This time we put two Christian symbols, that is the Orthodox cross and the prayer of St. Patrick. This is a very moving and important moment for us . Please you, I wish that we would not be intruders here, only from the same land good neighbors, that that between us there is peace, agreement and that we feel together – said President Wiśniewski.
Focus on climate neutrality
The Green Farm Wipash activities in its inception are to be neutral to the environment. Litter in facilities is studied and evaluated for emission ammonia, also after the facility travels to the field as fertilizer.
– We see there is a large field for production. I am convinced, that there we can control emissions of ammonia, carbon dioxide or hydrogen sulfide. We are looking at this issue widely, and the company is investing in this research. I know, that nowhere more is the quality of air, litter, or water on the ferm not so researched and evaluated as at us. We are in this area.leader – translates Karol Grzęda director of veterinary green farms.
Instead of antibiotics supplementation and enhancing the microbiome of
– we shape the microbiome of chickens by applying our authored solutions, if it comes to supplementation, such as. additives of herbs. Remember, that the resistance of humans, like and animals is derived from the gut. The food supply of poultry
is a straight line.
Modulating it from the microorganism level, we can primarily cause reduction
of emissions, improve utilization of feeds, lower the quantity of water consumed, and before all give the best organoleptic features of meat. We care about creating the healthiest and the tastiest meat – says nam Karol Grzęda.
Products bees as supporting resilience of animals
Before the ferm, spring will stand 15 halls. – This means we will have as many same bees as cur, and this million of our bees will enrich the crops, meadows, forests, and before all we want to share our honey, because honey is good – stresses President Wiśniewski.
Bee products are also to be used extensively in nutrition and support resistance for chickens on the farm. – We want to use pollen and propolis in supplementation of one-day chicks. We live already in the era post antibiotic, which in practice means, that antibiotics after the post startworking.Intheresponsiblewayinproductionwe don’tadministerantibioticstoanimals-explainsKarolGrzęda.
The farminCode counts15facilities,ineachoftheseanimalstockwillhave60thousand.chickens,withwhichthecubicfacilitiesallowfor72thousandmaximummanning.Theproduction cycleisabout39days.
Forcertainly,asaneditorialwe don’thave,howthisproductionlooksinpracticefromthemean.