
Annual inflation in Lithuania is now higher than intheeurozone(

Metinė infliacija Lietuvoje jau didesnė nei euro zonoje (

Today the publication of the preliminary Eurostat information has revealed that the yearly inflation bounce has continued, which in this country after an extended break is now higher than the euro zone as a whole.

In Lithuania the annual price increase reached the third month in a row this time from 1.9 to 3.4 percent and was more than three times more than the year before when it reached 1.In the Euro zone the annual inflation in the first month of this year has increased to 2.4 to 2.5 percent (rising now for the fourth month in a row ), which is not expected to change.In the years 2024 it dried to 2.8 percent.

Compared with the generation, in the common current area of the energy resource the yearly increase in cars has leapt from 0.1 to 1.8 percent, after 2024 years the dry is fixed while costs drop 6.1 percent over years. The annual price increase of industrial goods not related to energy resources has not increased nor reached 0.5 percent, while the annual price increase of two percent during this year in services has slid down from four percent to 3.9 percent, from food, alcohol and tobacco from 2.6 to 2.3 percent, when the years 2024 dry were four percent and 5 respectively.6 percent.

Excluding the effects of energy resources and food , alcohol and tobacco high cannabis influences,The

so called annual

base inflation in the euro zone did not increase for the fourth month in a order and did reach 2.7 percent, while the year ago was 3.3 percent. Economists predicted that this indicator would fall to an average 2.6 percent.

Among the common countries in the country last month the largest yearly inflation was recorded in Croatia (five per cent) and Belgium, which was 4.4 per cent. While the lowest this rate was in Ireland (1.5 percent) and Finland (1.6 percent).

In the first month of this year the consumer price index in our country has leapt 1.The index fell by 6 percent, or along with Slovakia the most in the euro zone inwhichtheindicatordeclinedby0.3percent(thebasedroppedbyevenonepercent).The highestmonthlypricesfellinCyprus(1.4percent)andIreland(0.9percent).

Energyresourcesinthecommonvalueareaarein thesuburban2.9percent,food,alcoholandtobacco-0.6percent,someservicepricesfell0.2percent,whileenergyexportsarenotrelatedNews source

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