
«Яндекс Маркет»: жители РФ занялись обустройством дома

«Яндекс Маркет»: жители РФ занялись обустройством дома

After the New Year of the Russians started to choose goods for home decoration, the analysts of “Yandex Market” said. In January holidays customers service added to in theme lists with thematic subsets with goods – baskets, boxes and organizers, bags and Christmas toys. Also among the popular goods were earrings and constructors.


Source: “Yandex Market”

Interest in these categories reflected in growth of purchases on  “Yandex Market”. In the period from 1 to 9 January sales of goods for the organization space increased on service in 2.1 fold compared with the last year, and Christmas tree times in 1.6 fold. This trend may be related to the fact that many many many create compilations of goods for future purchases: for example, how to decorate the house by next new year. In December these goods also entered the top, but ranked lower in the lowest positions. Then shoppers were most frequently added to the clothing: t-shirts, T-shirts and tops to their lists.

Since the launch of lists on  “Market” shoppers have already created more than 170 thousands of selections. Shoppers add clothing for fashionable looks, goods for aesthetic decoration of home and smartphones to the lists. The most popular brands in lists are Xiaomi, Ikea, Lego, Yandex, Kitfort, Tuvio, Pragma, Apple, Sokolovand Samsung.

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