Firstly, as emphasized in the ministry's announcement, the threats were assessed. What specific ones?
– Representatives of the sector drew attention primarily to the two-fold increase in imports of fertilizers from Russia and Belarus just within a year. In the 2022/2023 season, the share of imports in the domestic fertilizer market reached as much as 56 percent, it was reported.
As added, the guests emphasized that a further increase in imports may lead to the displacement of Polish producers from the market and a repetition of the Irish variant, in which – after the liquidation of own production – there was a significant increase in fertilizer prices.
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Poland is the largest importer of fertilizers from Russia in the EU
Amendment to the Act on fertilizers and fertilization
Secondly, the regulations are also going to change.
– It is important to determine the most important tasks that belong to the Ministry of Agriculture, because the fertilizer production sector falls within the competences of many ministries – emphasized Minister Czesław Siekierski.
At the same time, the minister stated that this is a good opportunity to discuss the problems of the industry and submit its demands, as work on amending the Act on fertilizers and fertilization is starting at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
– We would like to maintain this dialogue to continually assess the implementation of matters that may be undertaken by the ministry – assured Minister Czesław Siekierski.
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The plague of counterfeit fertilizers in Ukraine, the market flooded with fakes
Agricultural producers and fertilizer producers
Thirdly, attention was drawn to the need to recognize the situation of farmers when solving problems in the fertilizer sector. This factor was drawn to by Secretary of State Michał Kołodziejczak, who recalled the drastic increase in fertilizer prices experienced by farmers. He also highlighted farmers' problems with access to Polish fertilizers.
Adam Nowak also referred to this problem, pointing out the significant cost side of using fertilizers for farmers. He also emphasized the need to ensure food security through the availability of fertilizers for farmers.