Thanks to its composition rich in sugars (sucrose, glucose, fructose), minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium) and small quantities of proteins, molasses are an excellent additive supporting fermentation processes m. in the production of silage.
Molasses is an perfect source of fermenting sugars, which are easily absorbable for bacteria of lactic acid, which is key in the fermentation process. Addition of molasses speeds fermentation and
stabilizes silage.
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with widespread applications
Stabilization fermentation and reduction loss of feed
Through intensified fermentation with participation of molasses restricts the development of undesirable microorganisms, such as molds and yeasts, which reduces losses resulting from degradation of silage.
The element content in molasses contributes to improving the nutritional value of silage, which is particularly beneficial for both dairy cattle and fattening cattle.
Melass can therefore be successfully used as an additive to green mass before ensiling. Molasses should be evenly distributed on plants intended for ensiling (e.g. grass, corn, lucerne) in proportion from 2 to 5 liters per ton of raw material.
Because of its viscosity, melass often requires dilution with water, which eases its application and even distribution. Usually apply a mixture of molasses with water in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4.
Molasses can additionally combine with inoculants used in ensiling greens. Add melasses to preparations containing bacteria of lactic acid, it provides its nature for bacteria, which additionally supports fermentation.
However, it is necessary to avoid overuse of molasses, to not lead to too intensive alcoholic fermentation. The key is equal distribution of molasses, to all parts of the molasses.material for ensiling have access to the source of
sugar. Molasses is an practical and effective additive in the production of silage, impacting positively on their quality, nutritional value and stability.
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Molasses in feeding dairy cows and cattle forage – how to compose their in feed dose?
Molasses in the production of biogas and biomethane
Molasses, thanks
to the content
of easily absorbable sugars, which can be used
in the process of aerobic fermentation to produce biogas and biomethane, is included in the group of the most efficient sugars.
Biomethane is purified biogas with high methane (CH₄) content. Molasses, thanks to its high carbohydrate content, generates biogas with high methane (typically 60-70 percent). The purification process of biogas (removal CO₂ and H₂S) allows to obtain biomethane that meets fuel standards.
Molasses is often used locally in biogas plants at sugar plants, where it acts as substrate for production of electric energy and heat. Molasses can be mixed with agricultural waste, improving the efficiency of the fermentation process.
The biogas potential of mass is estimated at 350-450 m³ biogas per ton of dry mass, a about 50-60 proc. biogas is to methane.
Molasses in production of ethanol and bioethanol
Molasses can also be used as substrate in fermentation process to produce ethanol and bioethanol. The content of easily absorbable sugars makes an perfect serum for microorganisms, such as yeast.
In the technological process it is necessary to dilute molasses with water, to obtain the appropriate concentration of sugars (about 15-20 proc.), which provides optimal conditions for fermentation.In order to ensure appropriate growth of yeast, to the mixture may add sources of nitrogen (e.g. phosphate ammonium) and
The use of thermal
process or chemical eliminates undesirable microorganisms, which might
compete with yeast. To diluted molasses are added yeast (e.g. Saccharomyces cerevisiae). After the fermentation is completed, the mixture is distilled in to separate the ethanol from the rest liquid. The resulting ethanol raw has
usually a concentration
of about 95 proc.
Production bioethanol from melass
Bioethanol is ethanol produced from renewable raw materials, such as melass. His use as biofuel inscribes in the policy of sustainable development and reduction of emissions of global warming gases.
Bioethanol is used among others as an additive to benzine (e.g. E10, E85) for the purpose of reducing emissions CO₂. Bioethanol
can also be used as a source of renewable energy.
Molass is an efficient and economic raw material
for producing ethanol and bioethanol. His high sugar content, low costs and possibility of useinproducingbiofuelsmakeakeyelementofsustainabledevelopmentintheenergyandchemical industries.Howeverthe efficiencyoftheprocessrequiresappropriatemanagementandstablesuppliesofuniformraw material.