
Almost 800 thousand houses do not meet the important requirement. This means a new obligation forowners.

Prawie 800 tys. domów nie spełnia ważnego wymogu. To oznacza nowy obowiązek dla właścicieli
  • The National Renovation Plan of buildings is related to implementation of the so-called Building Directive (EPBD) and extensively – Green Lead.
  • The requirement to develop the National Renovation Plan of buildings results directly from Article. 3 Directive of the European Parliament and Council (EU) 2024/1275 of April 24 of 2024 year on the energy characteristics of buildings.
  • In Poland there are about 15.2 million buildings, of which only 3 proc. no will be covered by new regulations (this is about historic and military facilities, among others).
  • In according to the realization of the plan plans two scenarios. According to the ambitious – already by 2030 year renovation is to be subjected to m.among others. over 770 buildings single-family. 

Green Lad in building. What is National Plan Renovation Buildings?

The National Plan Renovation Buildings is a strategic document, defining actions, with the purpose of establishing a renovation program of national residential and non-residential buildings, both public, and private, with the goal of achieving in Poland by 2050 year. high energy-efficient, emission-free and decarbonized construction resources, which is related to the adopted Green Lad and requirement to achieve climate neutrality in 25 years. 

Today the final initial analytical work has been completed and a preliminary design document has been prepared. 13 January was also the deadline for consultations, during which they could make objections to the project. Information obtained during consultations will be used in further work on the document. Public consultations will be held after the date.

Who will prepare the National Plan for Renovation of Buildings?

Work on the project is overseen by the Ministry of Development and Technology, and is supported by a consortium, which includes:

  • National Agency Preservation Energy S.A.,
  • National Agency Preservation Energy S.A.,
  • Foundation Institute Reform.

As reads already on the initial project, there are about 15.2 million buildings in Poland, of which only 3 proc. no will be covered by new regulations (including historic and military facilities). The rest of the building requires modernization, which is expected to save energy each 305 TWh year. With which, as we read in the document, this is “buildings multifamily, though less numerous, play a key role in the context of energy savings because of their larger area.usable area, which is averaging 736 m² in counting per facility. However changes have not dominated owners of single-family homes.

As calculates Business Insider, by 2030 year. refurbished is to increase almost 922 thousand buildings, of which most are single-family homes, a by 2050 the modernization will cover 4-6.5 million real estate. The plan predicts two scenarios for implementation. The first is an ambitious project, the second has been called operational, with both including single-family, multifamily and utility public buildings. I this ambitious plan plans a complete departure from fossil fuel in heating buildings and a transition to free emission energy sources. This scenario is however very costly and requires substantial technological expenditures. According to this assumption renovation should be: 

  • 778 634 buildings single-family by 2030 year and 4 063 503 by 2050 year,
  • 65 852 buildings multifamily to 2030 year and 374 222 to 2050 year,
  • 77 976 buildings utilities public to 2030 year and 380 972 to 2050 year.

The second plan plans the gradual modernization of a greater number of buildings in a longer period of time. But regardless of the selected option, problems related to implementation of CPRB will be inevitable.

What barriers in implementation  National Plan Renovation of buildings?

The authors of the project are paying attention to basic barriers, which may slow or prevent the achievement of objectives. 

In first order it is important to pay attention to technical barriers, related to low standard of older buildings, especially those before 1970 year. Many of these do not meet basic requirements for heat insulation, and their construction often prevent the full implementation of modern technological solutions. Special difficulties are encountered by historic objects, where the necessity of obtaining conservation approvals and technical limitations complicate implementation of termodernization works. An important barrier is financial factors. Thermal modernization is a costly undertaking, requiring significant financial outlays. For many building owners, especially private persons and author governments managing municipal buildings, these costs are a barrier not to conquer – the authors point out.

Similar watersheds have also experts. As writes PortalLocal Government, they list on four key areas, which may prove problematic. 

  1. No specific funding. In the cited document there is information about how the state intends to finance the changes and what support is provided for owners of real estate.
  2. The technical condition of buildings. Many buildings, on which the authors also pointed out, especially those built before 1970 , require thorough modernization, which can be costly and time-consuming.
  3. Insufficient data on energy characteristics of buildings. As calculated by experts quoted by portal Business Insider, in Poland only 2 million energy certificates have been issued, which does not allow precise estimation of the scale of necessary action.
  4. Lack of developed support mechanisms. Homeowners fear the

    costs associated with forced repairs.

However despite these numerous difficulties, experts have no doubt, that development of KPRB is a step in

the right direction, though the most important will be its self implementation and the provision of real support mechanisms to owners. This could besubsidiesorulgataxes.Forconcretesinthisareawehavetowait, however. 



15Marchfallsaimportantdeadline.The badknowledgeisthatthistaxhas goneup.

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