
Almost 70 percent of customers have difficult to find an employeeintheshop.

Prawie 70 proc. klientów ma trudności ze znalezieniem pracownika w sklepie

The level of satisfaction of customers is declining, a unavailability of staff and problems with use of self-service cash and availability of products on store shelves are one of the biggest concerns in the industry.

The Zebra Technologies Corporation announced today the results of its 17th annual global survey of consumer behavior. Data shows, that buyers are not the only ones, who are concerned about the impact of theft and crime on the experience in the store. Eight of the tens of retailers in Europe (87%) are concerned about the lack of access to technologies, that detect security or criminal activity.

AI is to prevent theft

Most shops (76% in Europe, 78% over the world) are under pressure to minimize theft and losses. This is why companies invest in tools, which help both first line employees, and support teams. The greatest effectiveness in preventing losses is currently demonstrated by technologies based on art intelligence, and just behind these are cameras, sensors and RFID. While only 38% of trading companies in Europe and in the world use prescriptive analytics based on AI to prevent losses, 51% of dealers in Europe (50% in the world) say that they will implement such solution in the next 1-3 years. More than four of the ten retailers say that they are also planning to implement cams and sensors at self-service checkouts (51% in Europe, 45% in the world), computer vision (43% in Europe, 46% in the world) and tags and readers RFID (43% in Europe, 42% in world) in the next three years, primarily to prevent losses.

In the search for employees, customers want help in the shop

Information about planned changes in the technology in the trading branch should help consumers. At this moment 70% of respondents in Europe (78% in the world) consider it irritating to display in shops products in secure boxes. Additionally, 69% of consumers in Europe (70% in the world) report that it is difficult for them to find a store employee, when they need support while shopping. One in five buyers (19% in Europe, 21% in the world), who leave the store with empty hands tells, that it happened that way, because service was not available, to help. Observing previous reports of Zebra we can notice, that the indicator has increased.Over the last two years.

Although global consumer expenditures have stagnated at level, and consumers are satisfied with their shopping experience, that in this year the satisfaction rate of customers has declined compared with the earlier editions of the survey. In 2023 year 85% of respondents were satisfied with both shopping in store, and online. In this year only 76% of Europeans (81% of global population) are satisfied with shopping in the store, and 76% (79% in the whole world) with online shopping.

Buyers expect stores to offer easy options for pick-up and returns, but sellers face challenges in both cases. Most retailers recognize, that it is difficult for them to confirm actual stocks and prices. Additionally, with the increasing number of buyers, who return to stores, the permanent surpluses of customer power and the growing number of losses reflect on the level of services. For example:

– 73% of buyers in Europe (78% in the whole world) say that self-service checkouts improve their shopping experience, but 67% (68% in the whole world) complain about the frequent lack of self-service (SCO) lines, a some report that they left the store without making a purchase, because there were no such SCOs or prompt payment options.

– 69% of consumers in Europe (71% in the whole world) express concern about unavailability of service store, when 84% of sellers in Europe (82% in the whole world) consider that it is difficult for them to find help or to request support at the appropriate time.

Nearly 90% of workers in trade claim that thanks to mobile technological tools, which facilitate communication in real time, setting prioritizing tasks and checking prices and inventory, can provide better service to customers. Most sellers agree that technology enables employees to perform their work better. As a result of this observation 77% of trade companies in Europe (75% inthewholeworld)plantoincreaseinvestmentintechnologysolutionsin2025year.

 “Manyretailersareestablishingfoundationsforbuildingmodernworkingenvironmentsinstores”- saidMattGuiste,GlobalRetailTechnologyStrategistatZebraTechnologies.-“They are investinginmobiletechnologyandintelligentautomation,tosupportdecision-makingoperationalandenableemployeestoactivatethatraiselevelofsatisfactioncustomers.”


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