E-com segment from year to year continues to grow. According to analysis of the company “VseInstrumenty.ru”, in 2025 year it will increase more by 36%. Also experts noted high competition for the consumer market.
Causes of Growth B2B Destinations
In the DIY market in region B2B is growing demand for renovation and modernization of existing structures instead of building new ones. Also made support on apartments with renovation and ready modular constructions. Besides this:
- The construction and repair market is forming a trend Do it for me (end consumer orders services from companies, e.g., repair, and does not do it with their hands);
- Demand for the services of repair brigades is growing;
- Building retail forms loyalty among the B2B audience.
Hence, analysts predicted that in Following from trends market company “VseInstrumenty.ru” has conducted research among corporate segment. Experts surveyed 700 representatives of large, medium, small and microbusinesses from construction, manufacturing and services. Objective of research: to identify criteria for selection of suppliers of goods among the specified segments of business. The question, which was asked to respondents: “What criteria, in your view, are important when selecting a vendor in the DIY segment?” Analysts have identifiedThe main characteristics by which select suppliers of companies. Top-10 criteria in order of importance.
- Favorable Prices – 13%
- Wide Assortment – 8%
- Fast Delivery Time Delivery – 8%
- Compliance with delivery dates – 7.5%
- Fast response to requests and responsiveness of work in overall – 7.3%
- Possibility of postpayment – 6.5%
- Working with VAT – 6.8%
- Stable, reliable partner – 6.7%
- White documents, clean company – 6%
- Warranty on goods – 5.5%
Research also showed that, depending on the scope of the activity, the priorities in selecting suppliers among the companies may differ.
Priorities by size of business
Depending on the scale of the customer company, there are specific requirements for the vendor:
- The largest and large business with turnover from 2 to 10 billion rubles in a year. They expect from suppliers reliability and possibility of postpayment.
- Medium and small business with turnover from 0.12 to 2 billion rubles in a year. The most important criteria when selecting a supplier are quick response of the manager and clear compliance with delivery dates.
- Micro businesses with turnover up to 0.12 billion rubles in a year. Pay attention to workwith VAT you supplier.
Interpretation of characteristics with customer companies:
- Fast delivery of goods: customers increasingly require express delivery in within 1-2 days.
- Wide assortment: it is important that the supplier has a variety of similar items in a wide price category, in including and rare specialized units.
- Ensured logistics from the supplier side and quality delivery: companies need supervised supply of goods without constant control.
- Quality support and service at all stages of purchase and delivery: Companies need the guarantee of receiving quality help and fast responses to all questions.
- Favorable prices: customers care about the value and quality of goods, affordablepricesfor mostgoodsand availabilityofdiscountsin dependingon volumeofpurchasesorbonussystems.
- Reliabilityofvendor:Companiesrequirethatthevendorprovideconditionsforconvenientordering,fulfillalloftheirobligationsandbeoperativein resolvingquestions.
- PersonalManagerfrom thevendor:thefastresponseofthepersonalmanagerto allrequests,histechnicalpreparednessand engagement is required.