
ADG group: Majority of Moscow didn’t support the introduction of self-restrictions on spontaneous purchasesonmarketplaces

ADG group: большинство москвичей не поддержали идею введения самоограничений на спонтанные покупки на маркетплейсах

In a survey of the residents of Moscow about spontaneous purchases, which was conducted by the company ADG group, it tththree quarters of Moscow people (74%) did not supported the initiative to introduce voluntary self-restriction on spontaneous purchases on marketplaces. A quarter of the surveyed (26%) do not oppose a similar innovation. And more than half of respondents (62%) think that marketplaces manipulate consumers with various promotions and sales, to ultimately make them buy more. 



The vast majority of respondents (82%) have  have made spontaneous purchases over the avid shopaholic, making impulsive purchases practically every day.

Moscow Most Moscow residents unplannedly buy clothing (69%), goods for the home (59%), cosmetics and perfumes (52%), toys (45%), books (31%) and shoes (30%). ADG group: in Moscow a district center “Mesto vstrechi-zvezdnyy”

“Vkusno -and dot”openedtwonewfastservicebusinessesin neighborhoodcenters”Meeting Place”

21newkornercornerоткрыласеть«Местовстречи»на фуд-холлахрайонныхцентровв IV квартале2024года

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