The Chairman of the Estonian Actors' Union, Reimo Sagor, commented on Kaarel Tarand's interview with Vikerraadio, noting that it is not cultural figures who have come to terms with low salaries in the cultural sector, but rather the country's leaders. Illustrative photo. Photo: Eero Vabamaegi August 29, 2024, 17:54
The Chairman of the Estonian Actors' Union, Reimo Sagor, commented on Kaarel Tarand's interview with Vikerraadio , noting that it is not cultural figures who have come to terms with low salaries in the cultural sector, but rather the country's leaders.
In the Kajalood broadcast on August 24, the editor-in-chief of the cultural publication Sirp, Kaarel Tarand, said thought-provoking words: “Cultural workers have come to terms with the fact that we can be paid little,” Sagor writes in an article on the ERR portal .
“However, I believe that it is not the cultural workers who have come to terms with this, but our leaders, and this is a very big problem for the entire industry,” says Sagor.
Sagor refers to ministers and chancellors, but does not name anyone specifically.
"We need a minister who would slam his heel on the parquet floor of Stenbock House and make it clear to his fellow ministers: 'Dear friends, our esteemed president is right – culture is the basis of everything, the foundation made of the conventional limestone of our distinctive existence, on which Estonia and Estonian identity rest'," Sagor adds.