
About 100 million bottles of wine will be released by Kuban-Vino in 2024year.

Около 100 млн бутылок вина выпустила винодельня «Кубань-Вино» в 2024 г.

By the end of 2024 year the volume of production “Kuban-Vino” was 99.9 million bottles of wine, which is by 4 million more than in

Tyler Olson/Shutterstock/Fotodom

Tyler Olson/Shutterstock/Fotodom

Silent wines were released 50.7 million, sparkling – 47.7 million, liqueur – 1.5 million. In 2024 year production of sparkling grew by 12,2% compared with the last year. It is related to the demands of the market: sparkling wines are becoming more demanded by

The area of vineyards agrofirma “Yuzhnaya” increased to 9 453 ha. For a year was planted 609,93 ha young vineyards.Gross Gross collection of grapes by results of season was 76 646 tonnes, exceeding the average indicators as for region, so and for the country. The nbsp;nursery produced about 2 million saplings per year.

The production centers of Kuban-Vino continued to increase and modernize capacity. So, in the Center of Industrial Winemaking in town. Temryuk was modernized of the lines of bottling sparkling wine and

At the end of 2024 year “Kuban-Vino” remains the leader of the wine industry in the country by volumes of production. The geography of sales covers all regionsRussia and a number of world markets. The market of the company in numerical distribution 72%. The variety of wines counts 467 SKU. The important directions for the development of the company in

In 2023yearprofit“Kuban-wino”rel=”noopener”>has turned out to beminimalza recentyears

KompaniyaKuban-Vinoisengagedindevelopingfranchisingin territoryofRussia

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