This accidental discovery was made by police from Hesse in Germany, when on the Federal Highway BAB 3 near Idstein slipped and turned a truck from Spain, which was carrying 26 tons of mandarins. The driver of the tractor with the trailer came out of the collision almost without wreck, but has serious problems with the law.
At the site of the accident became because the police, who supervised the rescue operation. The driver was taken to the hospital for examination and treatment of non-hazardous injuries, and the crane at that time was putting the truck back on wheels. Then from the trailer shed some fruits, and from their falls sporting bags. It turned out that there were in the tags a total of 51 kilograms of marijuana.
The 50-year-old driver was unable to explain, why he got this additional baggage. The man was arrested and then temporarily arrested. He was charged with illegal importation
of a large quantity of Indian cannabis. Investigators are determining, whether it is on himself behind the smuggling, or these drugs were smuggled without his involvement.
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on the border with because of flu in Germany .