The accident occurred on the highway in close to Singhofen, in the Rhein-Lahn district in the Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany). Two truck sets traveled on the road behind a farm tractor. Both drivers of trucks at the same time took decisions, to pass the freeway vehicle. In the effect this last set with a tanker unloaded grain and the sticker hit the rear of the two truck and turned to the side and field -. reports Agrarheute.
The driver of the auto-tanker suffered a light injury to the head and was taken to hospital. Emergency services have been set on alert, because the report indicated that the turned truck is carrying hazardous materials. It turned out however, that in the tanker there is only grain.
Despite this, in the result of the tank of the turned saddle tractor in the field leaked hundreds liter of oil. The Fire Department had to pump the rest of the fuel from the tank and take the disposal of the leak and the contaminated soil.
The challenge has also been putting the heavy set
back on wheels. As read, it happened on the next day, after unloading the barrel
from the tanker and loading it onto an other vehicle, which could transport food
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Thieves have stolen kilkanascie-zaczepow-od-ciagnikow-rolniczych
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the stolen tractor, so he stole another .