The county court announced the bankruptcy of Rocknord OÜ, a rubble manufacturer with more than 12-year history. The company reduces 14 employees,
reports Äripäev. Photo illustrative. Photo: Ants Ants liigus (Pärnu Postimees)
The County Court has declared the bankruptcy of Rocknord OÜ, a producer of rubble with more than 12 years history. The company reduces
14 employees, reports Äripäev.
It wasn’t long ago that the company had a turnover of five million euros.
“I’m not worried about people. My last team worked with me for long years they are the working force, which is extremely demanded in Estonia. The market will easily receive these specialists,” said Sven Johanson, the owner and member of the management of the company in December in an interview with Äripäev.
For more information at site Äripäev.
According to data commercial register, the company has accrued tax debt, which began accumulating from 5 April 2023 year. The main part of the debt is tax on turnover in the amount of 257 043,17 euros. Total tax debt reaches 508 711,36 euros.
The register also shows that the last annual report of the company was filed for2021year.Thenturnoverwasmore than5.3millioneuros,andprofitwas258343euros.
The company’s turnoverwasmorethan5.3millioneuros,