Tartu County Court declared Monday (January 20) the bankrupt the meat processing company Saaremaa Lihatööstuse. Thereby the same end of the long fight of the company for survival, in the course of that was unsuccessful attempt to conduct sanitation, but there is no way to pay the payments promised to creditors .Problems company, owned known entrepreneur Vyacheslav Leedo, reached culmination in November of last year, when the firm self filed a bankruptcy petition. This was preceded by a sharp deterioration on the side of the company’s performance of the sanitation program – the tax debt of the enterprise to
the state rose to 1,40 million euros, the firm also failed to fulfill its obligations program sanitation. “We are paying to the measure of our capacity, ” Leado recognized in the Gazette Äripäev as last
summer, but that was not enough. The sanitation procedure was involved 31 creditors with claims for a total amount of 6.27 million euros. Even in the autumn of 2024 year the firm tried to rescue the situation,
by many years financial director André Syrm. The company also actively seeks an investor, willing to invest from a half million to a million euros, but to no avail. The decline of the enterprise is clearly reflected
in the reduction of jobs. If at the beginning of 2023 year Saaremaa Lihatöööstus employed 141 people, then in the last quarter of 2024 year, according to the Commercial Register, the firm had
only39employees.SaaremaaLihatöööstuscreditorsSaaremaaLihatöööstusnow havetwomonthstomaketheirclaimstothebankruptcytrustee.Claims which are not filedwithintheestablishedtime,butwillberecognizedlater,shall be settledinthelastpriority.