Falling prices of crude oil and vegetable oils affect rapeseed prices
Decreasing prices of crude oil and vegetable oils on the world market have had an impact on the relatively strong prices of rapeseed on the Paris Stock Exchange, which dropped significantly yesterday.
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Purchase prices of cereals and rapeseed. Consumer cereals more expensive than at the end of July
Prices of rapeseed in the November delivery contract on the Paris Stock Exchange fell by 3.9 percent yesterday. and amounted to EUR 453.75/t (PLN 154/t) and were 2.9% higher. higher than last year.
American soybeans have become more expensive
American soybean prices increased by 1.5%. and cost USD 383.69/t. On a y/y basis, the price of soybeans decreased by 27.7%. Canadian canola trading did not take place (Civil Day).
Matif rapeseed, November contract – price dropped by 3.92%. (EUR 453.75/t – PLN 1,954/t).
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Quotations of November rapeseed futures contracts expressed in PLN are presented in the chart below:
In the continuation chart below of rapeseed contracts listed on Matif, the long-term downtrend dominates, the medium-term is up and the short-term is up.
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Imports of palm oil to the EU have decreased
CBOT soybean, August contract – price increased by 1.54%. ($383.69/t- PLN 1,509/t).
On the Chicago stock exchange, the soybean market is dominated by an upward trend – long-term, medium-term is upward, short-term is downward.