In December of last year Pärnu Municipal Council fired the head of the culture and sports department Andrus Haugas and paid thousands of euros as compensation. The Auditing Commission Pärnu Municipal Council disapproves this practice when a person is reduced, but his position remains vacant –
this is how the money of the
taxpayers is being wasted. Money. Photo: Arvo Meeks
In December of last year Pärnu Pärnu Municipality fired the head of the culture and sports Andrus Haugas and paid him thousands of euros as compensation. The Pärnu City Council’s Audit Committee condemns this practice, when a person is laid off but his or her position remains vacant, this way the taxpayers’ money is wasted.
Andrus Haugas, who for many years was the
city’s culture manager, was reduced on December 12. He was paid compensation for the reduction in the amount of the average monthly wage and the unreceived wages because of the notice of the reduction for 64 calendar days, that is in a total of about 11 000 euros.
But what was the reason to reduce the official, if the position of the head of the culture and sports didn’t disappear, andthecityannouncedacompetitiontofindanewperson?