The Health Department is working on solutions, which will discourage People from taking alcohol. There is an idea, to restrict promotions of so-called multiple-art. multiple-liquor. As convinced by the Deputy Minister of Health, this is evident advertising beer.
– We are analyzing the introduction of minimal pricing per gram of alcohol. Our analyses indicate, that this would mainly result in increased prices of beer, especially stronger ones. Weaker beer would be cheaper, which from our perspective is beneficial: it would lead to less consumption of alcohol – revealed Wojciech Konczny in an interview given in “Puls Business”. The Resort
has prepared the first calculations. – For example beer 5 proc. would make more expensive by 1.5 zl per
bottle – calculates the deputy minister.
Read more
Government may mix in alcohol prices. New fee
End of advertisements of type multiple beers?
There is an idea, to restrict promotion of beer.
– When on television we see an offer of ten beers with
another ten gratis, they show their label, characteristic bottles, promotion often is conducted with the participation of
some celebrity – and then this is advertising under promotion – explains the deputy minister.
Read more
Ministry gives maximum time to withdraw alkotube from shops
How much do Polish people drink?
PARPA reports, that in 2022year,inper100proc.alcoholaverageconsumptionpercapitaofPolandwas:
- Spirit products(100%alcohol):3.5l
- Wineandhoneydrinks:6.3l
- Beer:92.9l