There are present in the market and 4 generations. This situation may be a challenge for companies, because each of them has a different approach to the tasks performed and is guided by different values. Particularly often there are different opinions about generation Z. Representatives of the younger generation are opposing partnership, transparent communication and their own development, even at the cost of changing employer. Managers should therefore focus on integrating multigenerational teams and identifying the
talents of their employees. Each generation has its unique power sides.
PARP: Generation Z in the most difficult situation in the work market p
In the work market there are some 4 generations present. This situation may be a challenge for companies, because each of them has a different approach to the tasks performed and is guided by different values. Particularly often there are different opinions about generation Z. Representatives of the younger generation are opposing partnership, transparent communication and their own development, even at the cost of changing employer. Managers should therefore focus on integrating multigenerational teams and identifying the talents of their employees. Each generation has its unique strong weaknesses, which should be strengthened, through exchange of knowledge.
Undoubtedly generations differ from their self. So-called. “Zetas” are the generation raised in the process of continuous change (climate, wars in the world or adaptation of life and science in times of pandemics), can therefore treat it as a daily occurrence. For example transitioning to a new company every 1-2 years is natural for her . Among older, more experienced people such attitude may meet with understanding, and even received as lack of loyalty to the manager or organization.
– Instead of concentrating on differences, leaders should decide how to effectively integrate young workers into the team. The difficulties in understanding do not must depend on age or professional experience, a such as personal characteristics.Differences of opinions or different ideas on the implementation of the project have been present in teams forever, not that is the domain of a generation. More and more organizations, in this including Michael Page, are prioritizing the development of inclusivity, bypassing the assignment of candidates to specific generations. Many tools, such as. Gallup tests, show, of which talents a team is built, what its characteristics, what its strengths are, and how the activity of individual units. Thanks to their leaders and team members know how they have to work with them and where to support themselves, to be as the most effective team – says Carolina Likos, Senior Consultant at Michael Page Human Resources.
Role leaders in working with multigenerational teams
Generations can multiply supplement each other. Generation Z can support in using art intelligence, while more mature workers in using soft competencies, and also share their life experience. It is on the bars of managers, who manage multi-generational teams, the responsibility of managing these talents and merging them into one team. The leader must be one person, who will not create prejudices and will be able to care for their employees so, that none of them will feel lost.
– Generation Z does not want to be treated differently than older generations, similarly as other generations appreciate their partnership, feel that someone considers their and likes their opinion. Such approach leaders will pay off in the future, and the company will gain a motivated devoted employee, who will want to act together with other people – adds expert Michael Page.
Recent concerns with the generation Z?
“Zetas” may be poorly valued in public discussion. It is said that young people do not want to go to the office, they prefer to work from home or that often change jobs. This is due to the fact, that they often don’t agree to the mode of living and working, in which the older generation functions (overtime, transferring work to home, forgetting their health and interests for professional challenges), they are also more self-aware and can determine what they need for effective work. Another implication is the assertion, that the generation Z, which loves work-life balance, will not have the skill to work overtime. Thus the generation is becoming more popular.of their work-life blending, based on partnership and trust between the employee and the employer.
Leaders sometimes give young employees a confused feeling of being heard. There is no need to adapt the whole organizational culture to “zetas”, but it is worth implementing their advice for example. on projects with less risk. This generation is also considered to be impatient. This is due to the fact, that its presenters had in childhood lots of different opportunities, a their life and their next stages followed faster than sometimes. This generation, which in work wants to see quick effects.
– Younger people expect information back more often than their older colleagues. In the eyes of the generation the leader is the person, who cares about the open feedback culture. In this issue we have a lot to do. Talking about even small fragments of work can help identify potential deficiencies, which affect the final effect – comments Carolina Likos.
What can learn from the generation Z?
Till this time there was a belief, that in business there is no place for emotions. The Generation Z, being able to name their emotions and being able to express them clearly, shows, that such value can have positive impact on relations in teams and the same function of companies. This generation is more self-aware, and to this can and want to use the access to knowledge psychology. For “zets” the emotional aspect is very important, which provides many benefits. The subject of emotions is related to the mentioned earlier feedback culture. The generation wants to be appreciated, and not appreciated. The leader should focus on appreciating less successes, highlighting the talents of a person, and also on constructive criticism. It is important therefore to develop the skills of listening to managers, to draw conclusions and to translate into action.
Generation Z hard to throw in frames of rigid work and traditional culture organization, relying on the final will person decision. It is also important for his flexibility of work, including the possibility of remote or hybrid work. This is no longer just the domain of generation Z, which is confirmed by the Talent Trends report, authored by Michael Page. Flexibility is one of the major aspects deciding whether to remain or change the job for total employees. For “zetek” an important aspect is also the opportunity for development – its representatives.want to know, what potentially awaits them in the future. Thanks to this they know, when to finish a given chapter, to go further and to set their new purpose. A great value is for they also transparency andfairness.
-Representativesoftheyoungergenerationliketoworkinconformitywiththeirvalues,well,whentheyfeelmission.ForthisreasontheystronglyverifythecultureandDNAoftheorganizationbeforedecidingtocooperate.Thisdoesnothavetobethedomainofself”zetas”-thoseemployeesaremoreopenexpressingtheir selves,doeshavethetabanddoesworkfortheirpower.It is worthemphasizingthatyoungpeoplewanttocooperate.Leadershaveonlytoidentifytheirstrongandweakweaknesses,toexploittheirpotentialandtocreateteamsso,thattheywillbecompleteincompetenceandcommunicationskills.It isworththinkingaboutwhatcanlearnfromthegenerationandwhatbenefitsmaybringtotheirapproachorviewoftheworld,anotfocusonthatwhichdifferfromtheselfgenerations-summarizesthe expert.