- The free amount is the amount of money, to which you can pay your money or charge an account, when it is occupied by the debt collector.
- The amount of free amount is different in each year, because it is dependent on the amount of minimum remuneration in a year.
- The free amount depends on value 75% of minimum wage gross
- From 1 January 2025 year. the amount of minimum remuneration is 4666 £ gross, therefore the free amount from occupation is 3499.50 £.
The commissioning is not unlimited. From the law in the recovery of debts the debtor must leave to the debtor in the account an amount, that will provide the minimum for living.
According to regulations the amount free from deposit in bank account is 75% of the minimum gross salary.
With the increase of minimum remuneration the level also increased the level of free amount from occupation. From 1 January 2025 year. the minimum remuneration increased from 4300 £ to 4666 £, in concerning this the amount free from occupation is 3499.50 £.
If the money in a month is less than the amount of 3499.50 zł the bank will not transfer any money to the bailiff. in case, when the state of the account exceeds the free amount the bank will transfer the claimant the excess. A so if we have 3900 in the account then the debt collector can take only 400.50 £. repayment of debt from seizure may be only on the debtor’s request. For this purpose one must submit to the bank
an appropriate disposition.
The amount free from execution applies only to physical persons. The limitation of execution resulting from
the amount free from seizure does apply in the execution of alimony. In such cases
commissioners may seize 60 percent of the remuneration, independently of its amount (there is because is an amount free from probation).
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What can not be seized by a bailiff?
A bailiff can not seize also benefits statutory not subject to execution.These include to these:
- Alimony,
- family benefits,
- family allowances,
- children’s allowances,
- children’s allowances,
- children’s allowances,
- children’s allowances,
- social
assistance benefits.
There is also a group of benefits paid by the Social Security Administration, which are partially subject to
execution by bailiffs. These include maternity gratuity, sickness gratuity and rehabilitation gratuity.
In the case of these benefits the
court commissioner has the right to take 25% in the execution of non-alimony and 60% in the execution, which is for alimony.
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How much commissioner will take from pensions?
Slightly different conditions apply to commissioners from pensions. In cases, where debts are involved, let’s call this, ordinary debts, The deduction from pensions will maximum 25% of the benefit monthly, at the debtor must leave an amount of at least 75% of the minimum benefit (amount gross).
Today the free amount from the pension is 1261.64 £. If the debtor is served with pension at such or lower amount – the SUS refuses to execute the discharge and informs the debt collector about the disadvantage of making deductions.
The amount remaining at disposal to the debtor will change from March 2025 year in relation to annual valorization of pensions.
cases, where the debt has the character of alimony the commissioner may take 60% of pensions.
Into the amount of the benefit, which is subject to the SUS includes some additions orincreasestothepension,howevertotheamount,fromonwhichthedeductibleamountisestablished,doesnotinclude:
- thedeductible,
- thedeductibleforsurvivors,
- thedeductibleforveteraninjured.
The aboverulesapplyalsotopensionfromtotalinabilitytowork,familyandsocialpension.
The bailiffcannottakealso13pensions.