The Board of LPP S.A. has decided to pay the shareholders an advance on the dividend for the turn year 2024/2025. The amount of the advance will be 330 PLN per share, which total means a payment of 612.44 million PLN.
The Management plans also to submit to Annual General Meeting a request to pay the dividend with date of payment 31 October 2025 year..
What dividend in LPP?
– The Management of LPP informs, that on today it has decided to pay shareholders an advance on the dividend for the year of turn 01.02.2024 year – 31.01.2025 year For payment of the advance in accordance with the described assumptions the consent of the Supervisory Council of the Company. The amount of pay for one share will be 330 PLN. The Company will pay for pay for dividends the amount 612 443 700 PLN. The right to the dividend is vested with all 1 855 890 shares of the company – is stated in the communication.
LPP is a Polish family company, one of the most dynamically developing in the apparel in the region of Central Europe. For 30 years with success it designs and sells its collections andaccessoriesinPolandandabroad.LPPmanages5fashionbrands:Reserved,Cropp,House,MohitoandSinsay,whoseofferingsareavailabletodayinstationaryandonlinein40marketsinthe world.