
31 January is close ⟩ Expert: what is digital trash and why it is necessarytogetawayfromit

31 января близко ⟩ Эксперт: что такое цифровой мусор и почему необходимо от него избавляться

Thousands of unwanted files accumulated on the harddisks of computers and in the memory of mobile devices, unwanted photos, and also old electronic equipment left unused at the home or in the office are all the and are digital trash. His storage has significant

significant negative impact on the environment. The simplest way to reduce your digital track is to start with

deleting unwanted photos and videos from your devices. The simplest way to reduce your digital footprint is to start with deleting unwanted photos and videos from your devices. Photo: Shutterstock

Thousands of unwanted files accumulated on the hard disks of computers and in the memory of mobile devices, the waste photos, and also old electronic equipment left unused at the home or in the

office are all the and are digital trash. His storage has significant negative impact on the environment.

“To many to till now it it seems surprising that production, transmission and storage of data have the same negative impact on the environment, like, for example, vaporous gas emissions or refusal to sort waste. Hence the issue of removal of unnecessary content from mobile devices, hard disks or from cloud storage and freeing up space is often neglected,

” André Visset, technical director of Telia Eesti , said.

For example, by saving all photos and videos from any event, in his words, you create so manythe same CO2, as as when traveling in a 20 kilometers vehicle.

Saving all photos and videos of any event, you create the same amount of CO2, as when traveling in a car for 20 kilometers

Since digital cleaning is one of the most easy ways to contribute to the protection of the environment, Telia Eesti is already for the seventh time organizing the national Digital Cleanup Day which will take place on 31 January.

31 January – Digital Cleanup Day

The goal is to reduce the amount of digital trash and divert old electronic devices to recycling. In this year the process of disposing of digital trash is for the first time including the government sector, including ministries, IT centers and different institutions.

Wisse recommends doing digital cleaning at least once every quarter. According to him, the simplest way to reduce your digital footprint is to start with deleting unwanted photos and videos from your devices.

“It’s also worthwhile to unsubscribe from unwanted news newsletters, close old e-mail boxes and online services. “It’s important to uninstall unwanted applications, and also clean the folder with downloaded files and the basket on a regular basis,” Visse advises.

The cloud also requires power

“Every year the amount of volume of data stored in cloud services is notably increasing, which requires every more power servers. “To cool and operate data centers wastes significant quantities of energy and water,” he noted, adding, that regular digital cleaning helps to reduce the load on servers and, hence, reduce the impact of their environment.The and responsible use of electronic devices plays a significant role in the dimension of the digital trace. This means that unused devices should be directed to reuse or recycling. Because of the fast development of technology homes and offices are accumulating thousands of electronic devices.

Return Old Gadgets

As part of the Digital Cleanup Campaign Telia Telia encourages people to recycle or reuse old techniques. For example, old devices can be delivered to Telia.

“At all our branches we receive old smart devices: phones, tablets, laptops, laptops, chargers, mice, keyboards and other small techniques, – said Visse. – – The equipment is undergoing technical checking and, if possible, will be reused or recycled.”

Copy from the old device the required data, delete all records and restore the factory settings

Before rendering your old device there are several steps to take. “The devices contain personal information – from photos and videos to contacts and conversations, ” Visse recalled. – – So we recommend that we first copy the necessary data, delete all records and restore factory settings.”

Last year in the framework of digital cleanup hundreds of terabytesofdigitaltrashwereremoved.Businessesandorganizationsthatalreadyjoinedtheinitiativeinthisyearhaveaimedtorepeatthepreviousresult.The campaign can be joined by both individuals, organizations and organizations.

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