On the occasion of 30th anniversary Biedronka introduces discounts regular prices of 30 products from various categories. New, lower prices cover a wide assortment – from food articles to cosmetics and chemicals business.
– The most important and unchanging priority of Biedronka is to offer the best quality products at the lowest prices. In the year of our 30th anniversary with particular attention we implement this strategy. Introducing regular discounts for 30 products is a concrete response to the expectations of our customers, who clearly communicate their needs – want to buy at the lowest prices. Confirmation of our effectiveness in implementing this strategy are among others the results of independent surveys of the purchase basket, where we regularly hold
the position of the cheapest network in the set – says Paul Stolecki, director operations and member
of the management in the network Biedronka.
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Which products are covered promotion?
Among example products with new, lower price regular are articles from different categories.
- Beverages
In the beverage category you can buy juice Tymbark Vitamini Mix 1L (from 5.19 £ to 4,99 PLN), nectar black currant Riviva 1L (from 4.99 PLN to 4.29 PLN) and juice pineapple Vital Fresh 0.75L (from 9.99 PLN to 8.25 PLN). Discounted were included also breakfast products, among others protein porridge GO Active 65g (from 5,19 PLN to 4,99 PLN), tea express Lipton Premium pyramids 20 bags (from 11.99 £ on 9,99 zl) or soluble coffee Cafe d’Or Gold 200g (from 24.99 zl to 23.99 zl).
Customers will also pay less for nobody, in this cream Milk Dolina 12% and 18% 400g (respectively with 3.85 £ on 3.59 £ and with 4.09 £ on 3.85 £).
- Meat
New prices regular were also introduced alsoon meat products – living sausage with indyka Kraina Smoked 90g (from 6.29 £ to 5,99 zl) and schab or slice smoked Kraina Meat Nature 100g (from 6.55 zl to 5.99 zl).
Among cosmetics cheaper you can buy cream for face Eveline Coconut 50ml (from 32,99 zl to 24.99 zl) and conditioner for hair Eveline Viva Lashes 10ml (from 24.99 zl to 23.99 zl).
Promo is covered stain remover for textiles OXY 730g (from 9.69 £ to 9.39 £).
Multi-year employees Biedronka faces campaign
The campaign informing about discounts of regular 30 products is another discontinuation of promotional activities Biedronka on the 30th occasion.anniversary. From the first days of the new year customers of the network could promote its anniversary thanks to a special birthday card with 30% rebate on 3 best matched products.
13 January started also a special birthday shakeomat in app Biedronka,
offering additional offers on purchases. The jubilee year began also from a spot with Dorota Wrotek-Gut, director of ds. marketing
of Biedronka chain, announcing a series of attractive promotional actions in 2025 year.
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Biedronka pays 8500 £ monthly and promises promotions in 14 months
O new, lower prices regular in the latest campaign Biedronka is told by year employees of the network, who on every day are responsible for key areas of the company’s activity. In series of five spots ofadvertisingdirectorsofcommercialanddirectorsofcategories:KamilCygnarowicz(13yearsinBiedronka),OlgaFigiel-Wielgo(10yearsinBiedronka),BartoszGoździk(20yearsinBiedronka),PiotrKonopko(25yearsinBiedronka)andAntoniPłuciennik(10yearsinBiedronka).