Three months holiday health for all – this new proposal Union Alternative. – We propose, to insert in the Labor Code the right to regenerative leave for all employees, who have worked at a given plant 7 years – explained Piotr Szumlewicz, chairman
of Union Alternative.
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February comes new law
New holiday health: 3 months free for all
The union Alternative emphasizes, that People are among the most working societies in the European Union. This means that we are overworked and stressed, many people are firing quickly and their state of health is deteriorating.
– Improving the quality of health workers should be one of the objectives of social policy of the state – Piotr Szumlewicz noted.
He also pointed out that in the Polish legal system which is true there is a leave for support of health, but it applies only to teachers. After having worked 7 years teachers have the right to annual leave, where the granting of such leave is determined by the medical work doctor.
– It is difficult to understand, why other groups do not have the right to a similar solution. We propose, to insert in the Labor Code the right to recuperation leave for all employees, who have worked at the site for 7 years. Leave should be
fully paid and automatically granted on the application of the employee. It seems that the optimal period of retirement would
be three months – convinces the President.
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By 28 February they will have released 700individuals. An known Poland company in bankruptcy
3 months of holiday does disturb the functioning of the
explained at this, that the time indicated in the proposal would be sufficient for rest and recovery, which does not disturb the functioning of a company or institution. On the other hand, the right to the next recuperation leave would be after the next seven years.
Furthermore – according to Szumlewicz – people employed in a given in the public sector should have the right to regeneration also then, if they change their place of employment (e.g. they moved from one social help center to another). This way the Labor Code would encourage that, qualified workers tie their career to a institution.
– Implementing this solution, along with stepping the week of work, would contribute to improving the mental
and physical health of workers, a which is related to this increase the productivity of work. The benefits would
be such to workers, as also to employers and to society as a whole -summarized.
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Leave for health
Today annual recuperation leave to teachers employed at full time indefinitely. The right to have after 7 years of work at school.
Leave for protection of health. Conditions:
- teacher has required tenure
of employment – for at least 7 years,
- teacher employed is at full time indefinitely,
- the teacher has worked not intermittently for at least 7 years at the
school atlessthan½ofthecompulsoryteaching load,aincaseofterminationofemployment,hasrecreatedemploymentno laterthaninthreemonths.