The Latvian labor market in this year is undergoing significant changes: the number of jobs in the current year has substantially decreased, while the number of job seekers has notably increased. About this is testified by data of one of the biggest services for searching for jobs and employees with the last quarter 2023 year the number of vacancies decreased by 9%, and in annual expressions – almost by 15%, notes recruitment company Alma Career Latvia (manages service Employers are optimizing their
resources and acting carefully, and this is affecting the decisions to hire new employees. In the last quarter 2024 year the most decrease in the number of job vacancies was recorded in banks and insurance (23%), trading (20%), management (19%), administrative positions (15%) and
sales (14%). The number of job openings in education and science (+40%), quality control (+27%) and government (+3%) increased. Despite a decrease in the number of job openings, the total activity of
job seekers in 2024 year increased by 10%. The most popular categories were administrative jobs, sales, services, trade and leadership positions. In the last quarter 2024 year the average number of applications for one job has reached 29. Now employers have the opportunity to choose from
awidecircleofcandidates.The last timethishighratewasfouryearsago,whenemployersindifferentindustrieswereforcedtorelegatetheiremployeestounemployed status.