
27% покупателей обращают внимание на бренд при покупке товара

27% покупателей обращают внимание на бренд при покупке товара

For the year the share of Russians who pay attention to the brand or manufacturer when purchasing goods has increased from 12% to 27%, write “Vedomosti” with reference to data survey B1. Also when purchasing consumers still consider price and quality. - Yuri A/Shutterstock/Fotodom – Yuri A/Shutterstock/Fotodom

According to the results of the survey, spring 2023 year on name brand when purchasing was oriented 9% of respondents, and then this share began to increase. These are food goods, clothing, shoes, accessories, cosmetics and perfumes and other categories, including automobiles.

It was found that price when purchasing is important for 92% of respondents as opposed to 86% in the 2023 year, quality – for 82% as opposed to 78%. Country of origin of the product for consumers with this is less important

Also decreased the share of respondents who chose the answer “buy significantly more goods produced in Russia” – from 51 to 42%. At the same time 66% of respondents still think that Russian goods are more on shelves of stores .

Consumers “on the whole are favorable” to  STM , but people prefer to buy them in certain categories. So, among food goods the most most purchased under STM are dairy products, bakery, meat, fish and poultry, among non-food – household chemicals and goods for home, cosmetics and perfumes, clothing and footwear.

Analysts also emphasized that the owners of new brands, in contrast to working in Russia known international brands, still not enough invest in marketing and promotion of their brands. 

60-70%oftheshareofRussianbrandsofclothing,shoesand accessorieson marketplaces

61%ofRussianshaveat least at leastonespontaneouspurchaseon New Year’sholidays

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