Day: May 22, 2024

China’s Coal Industry Group Revises Down 2024 Output Forecast
Chinese coal production this year will vary by between a 1% annual decline and 1% growth this year, a major industry association said on Wednesday, revising down its previous forecast of a 1% increase in coal production. China’s top producing region, Shanxi, is likely to miss its coal production target for 2024, Li Xuegang, deputy chairman of the China Coal Transportation and Distribution Association (CCTD), said on Wednesday, as carried by Reuters. Shanxi, the coal county in the world’s top coal producer, will find it “extremely…
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Kinijos anglių pramonės grupė sumažino 2024 m. produkcijos prognozę
Kinijos anglies gavyba šiais metais svyruos nuo 1% metinio nuosmukio iki 1% augimo šiais metais, trečiadienį pranešė pagrindinė pramonės asociacija, sumažinusi ankstesnę prognozę, kad anglies gamyba padidės 1%.
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ADNOC Continues LNG Expansion With Stake in Mozambique Project
Abu Dhabi’s national oil company ADNOC has acquired a 10% interest in an LNG project offshore Mozambique as it continues to expand its international natural gas operations. ADNOC has bought the 10% stake in the Area 4 concession of the Rovuma basin in Mozambique held by Portugal’s Galp. The deal will entitle ADNOC to a share of the LNG production from the concession, which has a combined production capacity exceeding 25 million tonnes per annum (mtpa), the state energy firm of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) said on Wednesday.…
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ADNOC tęsia SGD plėtrą, turėdamas dalį Mozambiko projekto
Abu Dabio nacionalinė naftos bendrovė ADNOC įsigijo 10% SGD projekto Mozambiko jūroje akcijų, nes toliau plečia savo tarptautines gamtinių dujų operacijas.
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OMV Warns Russia’s Gazprom May Halt Natural Gas Supply to Austria
Russian state giant Gazprom could halt natural gas supply to Austria’s OMV due to a foreign court ruling that could interrupt OMV payments to Gazprom Export, the Austrian firm said in an urgent market message. OMV’s unit OMV Gas Marketing & Trading GmbH (OGMT) has learned about a foreign court decision obtained by a major European energy company which, if enforced in Austria against OGMT, would require OGMT to make payments under its gas supply contract with Gazprom Export to such European energy company, instead of Gazprom…
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OMV perspėja Rusijos „Gazprom“ gali sustabdyti gamtinių dujų tiekimą Austrijai
Rusijos valstybinė milžinė „Gazprom“ gali sustabdyti gamtinių dujų tiekimą Austrijos OMV dėl užsienio teismo sprendimo, galinčio nutraukti OMV mokėjimus „Gazprom Export“, Austrijos įmonė pareiškė skubioje rinkos žinutėje.
Read MoreOil Prices Remain Rangebound as Demand Concerns Mount
Weakening demand is keeping crude oil prices stuck in a range that they can’t break above. Ample supply is helping. In even worse news for oil bulls, the chances of this state of affairs changing anytime soon are slim. The perception that demand is weakening comes from traders and analysts who spoke to Reuters this week, saying refiners in some big markets were buying less crude. As for the reason for this lower buying, it was twofold and nothing new. Inflation and interest rates—this is what is driving oil prices lower or…
Read MoreNaftos kainos išlieka nepakitusios, nes didėja paklausa
Silpnėjanti paklausa žalios naftos kainas laiko įstrigusiame diapazone, kurio jos negali viršyti.
Read MoreTime Running Out for BHP’s Anglo American Bid
The clock is counting down on BHP’s takeover swoop for Anglo American today as the Australian miner is left with just hours to table an improved offer or walk away. BHP has been hiking its bids for Anglo American over the past month after making an initial unsolicited $31bn offer for the firm in April, which was rejected. Last week, the Sydney-listed miner lifted that to £34bn but retained its condition that Anglo American carve off its iron ore and platinum business, in an offer that was roundly rebuffed as…
Read MoreBaigiasi BHP Anglo American pasiūlymo laikas
Laikrodis skaičiuoja iki BHP perėmimo anglo American šiandien, nes Australijos kalnakasiui beliko vos valandos pateikti patobulintą pasiūlymą arba išeiti.
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Europe Needs to Double Energy Grid Investments to Keep Net-Zero in Sight
Europe needs to double its annual investments in grids to keep net zero in sight by enabling electrification of transport, heating, and industry, and integrating rising renewable energy sources, Eurelectric, the federation of the European electricity industry, said in a report on Wednesday. Europe’s investments in distribution grids should jump to as much as $72.5 billion (67 billion euros) per year from 2025 to 2050, up from a current annual average investment of $36 billion (33 billion euros), Eurelectric’s Grids for Speed study…
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Europai reikia padvigubinti investicijas į energijos tinklą, kad būtų galima matyti nulį
Europa turi padvigubinti savo metines investicijas į tinklus, kad būtų galima matyti nulį, suteikdama galimybę elektrifikuoti transportą, šildymą ir pramonę bei integruoti didėjančius atsinaujinančius energijos šaltinius, trečiadienį paskelbtoje ataskaitoje teigiama Europos elektros pramonės federacijos „Eurelectric“.
Read MoreEIA Confirms Small Crude Inventory Build, Gasoline Draw
WTI crude oil traded below $78 today after the U.S. Energy Information Administration reported an estimated inventory increase of 1.8 million barrels for the week to May 17. This compared with a draw of 2.5 million barrels for the previous week that pushed benchmarks higher last week as it came after an API estimate that also pointed to a draw and it was the second weekly draw in a row, suggesting demand picking up. A day before the EIA released its report, the American Petroleum Institute estimated sizeable builds in crude and fuels for the week…
Read MorePAV patvirtina mažų žaliavų atsargų kūrimą, benzino traukimą
Po to, kai JAV Energetikos informacijos administracija pranešė apie atsargų padidėjimą 1,8 mln. barelių per savaitę iki gegužės 17 d., WTI žalia nafta šiandien kainavo žemiau 78 USD. Palyginti su 2,5 mln.
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Shell Plans Major Work at Its Largest German Oil-Processing Complex
Shell is planning extensive work and a turnaround at the Energy and Chemicals Park Rheinland near Cologne, Germany’s biggest oil-refining complex, in the autumn of 2024, Bloomberg reported on Wednesday, quoting sources with knowledge of the plans. The turnaround means that the crude processing unit would be offline for at least a few weeks and supply to the market from the refinery would be reduced. The Godorf section of the Rheinland complex will undergo a turnaround in the autumn, while Wesseling, the other part of the…
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„Shell“ planuoja atlikti pagrindinius darbus savo didžiausiame Vokietijos naftos perdirbimo komplekse
„Shell“ 2024 m. rudenį planuoja atlikti didelius darbus „Energy and Chemicals Park Rheinland“ netoli Kelno, didžiausio Vokietijos naftos perdirbimo komplekso, trečiadienį pranešė „Bloomberg“, remdamasi šaltiniais, žinančiais apie planus.
Read MoreThe Harsh Truth About Space Mining and Direct Air Capture
The dictionary doesn’t quite do justice to the word “boondoggle” according to author Dmitri Orlov, best known for his book Reinventing Collapse. A contemporary boondoggle must not only be wasteful, it should, if possible, also create additional problems that can only be addressed by yet more boondoggles. (This does NOT preclude boondoggles from being profitable for certain insiders.) In Orlov’s universe, such boondoggles dissipate the wealth and vitality of a society until it collapses. But if executed properly, boondoggles…
Read MoreŠiurkšti tiesa apie kosmoso kasybą ir tiesioginį oro gaudymą
Pasak autoriaus Dmitrijaus Orlovo, geriausiai žinomo dėl savo knygos „Reinventing Collapse“, žodynas ne visai atitinka žodį „boondoggle“.
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Why Kinder Morgan is Targeting This Texas Oil Field
American oilfield services provider and pipeline operator Kinder Morgan has acquired nearly 12,000 acres of Texas oil and gas producing assets in its quest to take advantage of carbon capture incentives designed to boost output from producing fields, Reuters reported on Wednesday, citing unnamed sources familiar with the deal. According to Reuters, the Kinder acquisition indicates the attractive nature of incentives laid out in the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act, which offers a tax credit for carbon sequestration of $60 per metric ton. That…
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Kodėl Kinder Morgan taikosi į šį Teksaso naftos telkinį
Amerikos naftos telkinių paslaugų teikėjas ir vamzdynų operatorius Kinder Morgan įsigijo beveik 12 000 akrų Teksaso naftos ir dujų gavybos turto, siekdamas pasinaudoti anglies dioksido surinkimo paskatomis, kuriomis siekiama padidinti gavybos telkinių produkciją, trečiadienį pranešė Reuters, remdamasi neįvardytais šaltiniais, susipažinusiais su
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