Most declining wheat on MATIF
Wheat in contract with supply in March on MATIF declined by 1.2 percent. and cost 231.25 euros/ton (988 zl/t), a in year quotes increased 7.1 proc. The price of currency on the Paris exchange in the March contract declined by 0.2 percent. and was 215.75 euros/ton (922 zl/t). Through last year the price rose by 13.0 proc.
The only wheat on CBoT
Wheat on CBoT in the March contract rose by 0.2 perc. and cost 200.71 USD/ton. In the year/year quotes decreased by 8.3 proc. The price of currency in contract with supply in March on the exchange in Chicago dropped by 0.4 percent. and was 186.80 USD/t, a through last year has
increased by 6.2 proc.
Read more
of sulfur for winter crops
Wheat MATIF, March contract – price dropped by 1.18 proc. (231.25 euro/t –
988 zl/t).
Figure 1.
March term contracts for wheat expressed in gold are
represented by the following figure:
Figure 2
Read more
Russia with the worst harvest for 23
years. But there is also and a slump in the branch
On the lower contracts for wheat listed on the Paris
exchange the long-term trend declines,The medium-term trend is upward, short-term trend upward.
Chart 3
Wheat CBOT, contract
March – price increased by 0.23 proc. (200.71 USD/t – 836 £/t).
Figure 4
On the exchange
Chicago today the long-term trend is declining, mid-term is declining, short-term rising.
Figure 5
Read more
What makes that plant is winter?
Corn MATIF, March
contract – price dropped by 0.23 proc. (215.75 euro/t – 922 £/t).
Figure 6
March term contracts for currency expressed in gold is shown below the figure:
Figure 7
On the lower concurrent contracts for currency listed
on the Paris exchange dominates the long-term declining trend,The medium-term trend is growing, short-term growing.
For 8
Corn CBOT, March contract – price fell by 0.42 proc. (186.80 USD/t – 778 zl/t).
Chart 9
On continuing contracts for
currency listed on CBOT the long-term trend is declining,mid-termisdeclining,short-termupward.